Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ugh. . .

So, why do I continue to post, if I find no joy from doing it?  That's an excellent question. . . but not for me.  Because I have no clue why I do.

Guilt?  Nope, I don't really feel guilty for letting y'all down.

Pleasure?  I thought I already said I get no pleasure from doing this.

Pass the time?  I think that's probably my best answer.  Other than that, the only reason I post is because a few people pestered me about it.

Please others?  Naw.  Who takes any pleasure from reading this?  I didn't think so. . .

So, hate to say it, but I might just quit eventually.  No one follows me who I don't see like every week at church (except for you Rachel) and no one is really even "into" my blog much.  Sad, but true, I have become very busy.  Believe it or not.  I used to say that a lot, amd half of the time it was a lie to esplain why I wasn't posting, but now I can safely say I have become very busy.  Music, school, band practice, church things, holidays, and the biggest work of all, writing.

As some of you know (most of you if not all of you) that I love writing.  Love it.  And I hope one day to become a famous author.  But, like 90% of the jobs out there, it's hard.  And if you really want to succeed, you need to work hard at it.  So I write a few hours everyday (the days that I can), and that really sucks time from my schedule.  And the desktop I was using broke down (and I sadly lost a few books that I had started to write.  One had 129 pages, and the other had like 60 or 70, and I completely lost all of that.  But Dad got a new laptop on ebay, and so hopefully I will start writing on that.)  So. . .

Oh yeah, and I babysit almost everyday.  Whether for an hour, or five, I do.  And I have to keep a good eye on the girls when that happens. 

Exuses, excuses, excuses.  You want to know the real reason for me not posting anymore?  I've said it already.  I just lost interest.  It's not as fun as it used to be.  And if I don't read your blog, I'm so sorry.  I just never think about blogger anymore.  It's school, writing, and email that I get on the computer for.  Occasionaly games.  But that's it.

So give me a break.  Give yourself a break.  Or in the words of a famous guy (Jullian Smith) "Why don't we all just take a giant chill pill, and think this through!"

Chow chow y'all!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We so excited!

So Thursday wasn't the only the day that I went to a public school and got sick, it was also the day I got my books!  I am so excited!!!!!!!!!  Now I get to give em all out at church today!  So if you're reading this, and you're one of the lucky people to get a book, you'd better tell me how it is as soon as you are done.  I don't really care if you don't like it, but it'll make me really happy if you said it was good, and it'd make me really really really happy if you said it was pretty good, and it'd make me SOOOO happy if you said it was a great book.
But I REALLY don't want you to say that it was great just because it'd make me really happy.  I want you to give me your completely honest opinion of the book.  If it stinks(not drinks :D) tell me it stunk, don't sugarcoat it.  Seriously.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It had to happen didn't it?

So yesterday we went to a public school to do some songs, a devotional, and some games with the kids, and you know it  just had to happen.  I had to go and get some kind of sickness.  So now I'm down in bed with a headache, cold, and possibly the flu.  It stinks (not drinks :D)

School off?  Not a chance.  I'm homeschooled.  That's just what happens. :D  It's all good.

It gives me a chance to finally read some books, maybe write a little, listen to music.  So I think it'll all be good! :D

I know.  The sick guy just said that. . . weirdo. . .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So I went shopping today. . . and it was good, because I had money :D.

My Grampa gives each one of us a certain amount of money to spend at Old Navy for Christmas and our birthdays, and so I spent mine today on some pretty awesome clothes.  Then I went to Best Buy and got these bad boys!

They are beast!  They’re called Skullcrushers by Skullcandy.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Mr. Timn the Milkman

So as most know. . . monday was Halloween, and a long standing tradition of ours is to do skits for everyone. Well, this year Kwinn and I decided to base our skit off of Mr Timn the Milkman. So we got it on tape, but Mr. Hobby has to send it to be before I can post it up. So if you'll be patient, I can' probably have it up in a few days or less. Hopefully this will suffice for now. I love all the Mr. Timns!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Did anyone even watch and of the Razy Gogonea videos???  They are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And also. . . aparently this ! is and exclamation mark. . . doesn't look much like one if you ask me.

October 28, 11:59p.m.

Needless to say, I was up until twelve last night trying to get my book published, and I did!  A 20% off coupon I had for the printing and publishing of the books was to expire at 11:59p.m. and we were barely gonna cut it. 
We, me and my dad, got it published at 11:54, and had the books ordered and their destination set, and payed for by 11:58. 

. . . . . . . I am now. . . an officially published author with my first book.  I ordered fifteen copies, some of which I might let people at Youth Group borrow and read, and then pass on to others.  I am so excited.  But tired.

It's now 6:30a.m. the next day, and I'm going to ref 6 games.  Oh the joy of early days, reffing out in the freezing cold (it's 32F), makin' a few bucks. . . I only got five and a half hours of sleep last night. . .  so Amanda, if I even show up to your party, you had better do somethin' nice, because I sacrificed my bed to come!